Safety Program

Our success, as a company, is directly related to our commitment to safety and quality. Safety is a primary part of our quality, production, and job efficiency. To ensure safety on every project, PMC has key personnel coordinating and administering environmental, safety, and health issues.

To help reduce our lost time ratio, PMC has implemented the following:

1. Proper Orientation of General Safety Issues including, but not limited to, MSDS, PPE, First Aid, Emergency Numbers, etc. to all new employees, along with a Safety Manual

2. Mandatory drug testing for all new employees. Random drug testing throughout the year and post-accident drug testing is enforced.

3. Weekly Gang Box Meetings (fully logged and documented)

4. Bi-Monthly Safety Meetings in the field, including written tests documented for proper comprehension

5. Monthly Flyers by mail which includes Safety Tips

6. Safety Incentive Programs

PMC is involved with a Self Insurance Retention (SIR) program, which provides us, the insured, opportunities for maximum protection and prevention of lost time accidents through additional Safety and Loss Prevention programs, training, and consultations.

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