Federal Fibre Mills Condominiums

At the end of the World’s Fair in 1985, this site of the former German Beer Garden became the first Warehouse District residential conversion. The building was outfitted with a new chilled water system in preparation for the World’s Fair. PMC was hired for the unique challenge of converting this central plant installation to suit multi-family occupancy. This historical nature of the building, its exposed post and beam architecture and the modern conveniences that condominium owners demand set significant limitations on the design team. The systems remain in place today and the occupants continue to enjoy their homes in comfort.

  Woodward Wight Apartments

Gravier Place Apartments

East Side High Apartments - 

Cotton Mill/American Can Apartments

The Cotton Mill and American Can Apartment complexes are two examples of historic property conversions with special design considerations due to their solid brick walls and massive windows. Converting these type buildings to residential occupancy requires special design and construction techniques. PMC has completed the mechanical work in over 25 major redevelopments of existing buildings, most of them on the historic registry.

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